The Space Race Landed at Your Birthday Party
Posted on: 25 February 2020
Birthday parties should never become forgotten. Too many people treat birthdays too casually. They allow the years to pass without doing something to remember them best. Unless someone hits an age ending in zero, chances are the celebration proves lacking. Going through the motions when throwing an average birthday party can be regrettable. And you could miss many creative opportunities to celebrate a birthday that also coincides with a historical event. Imagine if your upcoming birthday also shares the date of monumental achievement in NASA's history. You could weave the celebration of your birthday with NASA's anniversary of its event. And how about working with an audio-video team to capture the party for posterity?
NASA's — And Your — Day of Remembrance
On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong took a famous first walk on the surface of the moon. The Apollo 13 moon mission took place between April 11 and April 17, 1970. April 12, 1981, saw the first-ever space shuttle reach the stars. Maybe your birthday falls on or around these or other legendary events. If so, why not theme your birthday party around them and hire a creative audio-visual team to record things?
Capturing and Choosing the B-Roll
You could add a space theme to the party and include decorations that fit. Maybe you could add a birthday cake shaped like an old-time rocket. No matter how the party looks, a professional video team can record the festivity's essential sights and sounds. Capturing the best moments involves more than tapping "record" on a smartphone's camera. Framing the shots best and knowing when, where, and how to capture subject matter contribute to exceptional results. The videographer must also know how to record "space-themed" moments. That way, the theme remains prominent.
Lighting the Space Way
Science-fiction films and space documentaries present a particular look. When attempting to recreate a space-age look, you need the right lighting. A video crew, one that loves science-fiction and science-fact, may be able to recreate that look with effective lighting. Style has to come into play with the lighting.
Editing Futuristically
Access to talented post-production technicians represents another plus to hiring a video company. Post-production offers the chance to add special video effects and appropriate audio mixes. Space opera-oriented music with some added visual tricks can turn the birthday document into something you'd see on the Discovery Channel.
Originality contributes to making something memorable. Let NASA and space travel history provide that previously elusive original element. And hurry. Your birthday's coming up.
To learn more about audio-visual services for parties, contact an audio-visual production company in your area.